5 Proven Methods to Remove Mildew and Mold and Musty Smells from Your Clothes

Jul 30, 2024Uncategorized0 comments

Have you ever sniffed something in your home with that unmistakable stale, damp odor? Most likely, that unpleasant smell could be coming from your clothes! It’s the scent that hits you when you open a forgotten closet or a drawer filled with old linens. There’s a slight sourness to it, much like the musty smell of a basement that hasn’t seen daylight in years. You can try washing these clothing items, but often, the musty smell clings stubbornly to the fabric.

This is not something to worry about, though, as there are ways to remove this bad smell from your clothes, for good! Whether you’re dealing with damp gym clothes, forgotten laundry, or seasonal storage, the tips we’ll share here will help restore your clothes to their clean, fresh-smelling glory.

What Causes a Musty Smell in Clothes?

Musty smells in clothes are usually caused by mold and mildew, which thrive in damp, dark environments. When clothes are stored in places with poor ventilation, such as closets or drawers, or left in the washing machine for too long, they can become breeding grounds for these fungi. Mold and mildew feed on organic materials, and your clothing, with its mix of natural fibers, sweat, and body oils, provides the perfect feast.

Additionally, high humidity levels can exacerbate the problem, as moisture in the air can settle into the fabric, creating an ideal environment for mold growth. This is why you might notice that clothes stored in a basement or a humid climate develop that telltale musty odor.

Is Mildew Just Another Type of Mold?

Essentially, mildew is a type of mold that thrives in warm, damp environments and can cause musty odors. However, mildew is typically lighter in color, often appearing white or gray, and tends to grow on the surface of fabrics. Mold, on the other hand, can be darker—ranging from green to black—and is more likely to penetrate deeper into the fibers of your clothes.

When you find mildew on your clothes, it’s usually a sign they’ve been exposed to moisture for too long, either because they weren’t dried properly or were stored in a humid place. Mildew tends to be easier to remove since it grows on the surface. A simple pretreatment with vinegar or baking soda, followed by a thorough wash and proper drying, can usually eliminate mildew and its odor.

Mold, however, can be more stubborn. If mold has taken hold of your clothing, it might require more intensive cleaning methods or seeking professional dry cleaning services, especially for delicate items like wedding dresses or woolen garments. Mold can also be a sign of a more significant moisture problem in your home, so addressing the environment where your clothes are stored is crucial.

Hands pouring liquid detergent from a white plastic bottle into a measuring cup, with towels in the background.

5 Ways to Get Rid of That Musty Smell From Your Clothes

If your clothes have already developed that dreaded musty smell, don’t worry—there are several effective ways to tackle the issue and get your wardrobe smelling fresh again. Here are five tried-and-true methods to eliminate mold and mildew odors from your clothing.

1) Wash Your Clothes in a Cycle with Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural deodorizer and disinfectant. Start by adding one cup of white vinegar to your washing machine’s drum along with your musty clothes. Run a complete wash cycle with hot water if the fabric allows. The vinegar helps break down mold spores and neutralizes the musty smell.

2) Wash Again with Baking Soda

After the vinegar cycle, it’s time to give your clothes another wash, this time with baking soda. Add a half-cup of baking soda directly into the washing machine drum. Baking soda is great at absorbing odors and providing an extra boost to your regular detergent. Run the wash on a normal cycle with warm water.

3) Air Dry Your Clothes (Sunlight is Ideal)

Once your clothes are washed, skip the dryer and opt for air drying. If possible, hang your clothes outside in the sun. The sun’s UV rays naturally disinfect and deodorize, helping to kill any remaining mold spores and eliminate lingering odors. Plus, fresh air is always a good way to ensure your clothes smell clean.

4) Use Borax for Stubborn Smells

For particularly stubborn mildew odors, try using borax. Dissolve a half-cup of borax in a basin of hot water and soak your clothes for an hour before washing them again. Borax is a powerful cleaner that can tackle deep-set odors and is safe for most fabrics and textiles. After soaking, wash your clothes as usual.

5) Apply Essential Oils for a Fresh Scent

Essential oils like tea tree, lavender, or eucalyptus have natural antifungal properties and can add a pleasant scent to your clothes. Add a few drops of essential oil to a cloth or wool dryer ball and toss it into the dryer with your clothes. Alternatively, you can add essential oils to the rinse cycle of your washing machine. This not only helps remove musty smells but also leaves your clothes smelling delightful.

More Tips to Prevent Mold and Mildew Smells in the Future

Once you’ve successfully removed that musty odor from your clothes, the next step is to ensure it doesn’t come back. Preventing mold and mildew smells is all about maintaining the right conditions for your clothes and storage areas.

Here are some easy-to-follow tips to help you keep your clothes fresh and free from those unpleasant odors in the future:

  • Properly Dry Clothes: Always make sure your clothes are completely dry before storing them. Even a little dampness can lead to mildew growth.
  • Use Moisture Absorbers: Place silica gel packets or moisture absorbers in your closets and storage areas to reduce humidity and prevent mold growth.
  • Improve Air Circulation: Ensure your storage spaces are well-ventilated. Consider using a fan or a dehumidifier in particularly humid areas.
  • Clean Your Washing Machine Regularly: Run an empty cycle with hot water and vinegar or a washing machine cleaner monthly to prevent mold buildup.
  • Avoid Overloading the Washing Machine: Overloading can prevent clothes from getting thoroughly cleaned and rinsed, leading to mold and mildew smells.
  • Store Clothes in Breathable Containers: Use cotton garment bags or open shelving instead of plastic containers to allow air circulation.
  • Inspect and Clean Closets: Regularly check your closets for signs of mold and mildew and clean them with a mixture of vinegar and water.
  • Wash Clothes After Heavy Use: Wash sweaty or damp clothes promptly to prevent mildew from setting in.
  • Keep Storage Areas Dry: Ensure basements, attics, and other storage areas are dry and not prone to leaks or dampness.

Restore the Freshness of Your Clothes with Great American Cleaners!

If your clothes smell musty due to mildew and mold, Great American Cleaners is here to bring back that just-bought freshness! Our retail store is located at 215 El Cerrito Plaza Road, El Cerrito, California, 94530, but we also provide pickups and deliveries in the surrounding areas.

As a full-service dry cleaner with more than 25 years of experience, we offer a range of garment care services, including wedding dress preservation, leather and suede cleaning, environmentally friendly dry cleaning, comforter and bedding cleaning, and many more.

Interested in any of our services or want to inquire about our prices? Call our customer service today at 510-526-6844 or send an email to help@greatamericandrycleaners.com. Ask about our convenient pickup and delivery service to make freshening your clothes even easier!